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Club Niederösterreich: Charity with a high fun factor

  1. The 20th edition of Club Niederösterreich's charity soccer golf tournament on June 16, 2023 in Atzenbrugg; soccer legends such as Michael Hatz and Josef Degeorgi acted as team captains and former ORF sports director Hans Huber as moderator; net proceeds of more than 8,000 euros will go to Malteser Kinderhilfe (Hilde Umdasch Haus) in Amstetten and to families in need

Last Friday saw the sixth edition of the Club Niederösterreich charity soccer golf tournament on the Diamond Country Club Atzenbrugg course. The main aim was to sink a soccer into holes with as few shots as possible in several "flights" led by former professional footballers. The team captains were active and former players from the Club Niederösterreich charity soccer team, namely Michael Hatz, Josef Degeorgi, Wolfgang Gramann, Walter Knaller, Hannes Neumayer and Willy Kaipel.

The proceeds of more than 8,000 euros will go to Lower Austrian families in particularly difficult life situations and to the Hilde Umdasch House run by Malteser Kinderhilfe in Amstetten. It stands for a new type of living and care concept for children and young people with a life-shortening diagnosis who require highly complex care.

This charity sum was made possible thanks to the generosity of a number of companies and businesses who paid for the flights and chased the ball over fairways, bunkers and greens with their employees, customers, business partners and friends: Austrotherm GmbH as the main sponsor, Brucha GmbH, Planie GmbH, Acacio Immobilien GmbH and Stone4You. The event was also supported by the Diamond Country Club, Hebenstreit Sportmarketing, Henkell Sektkellerei and Weingut Markus Huber.

Although the charitable aspect was in the foreground, it was of course also about the sporting competition. Josef Degeorgi and Walter Knaller emerged as the best flight captains ex aequo. Among the guests, Katrin Höllerer (Planie GmbH) won the women's competition, while three players from Brucha GmbH - Josef Baumühlner, Philipp Steiner and Benjamin Steinwendtner - shared first place in the men's competition. It was therefore hardly surprising that the overall victory in the team competition also went to Brucha GmbH, who relegated the two Austrotherm teams to second and third place. The award ceremony was expertly and entertainingly presented by ORF sports reporter legend Hans Huber.

Soccer golf tournament organized by Club Niederösterreich expands to Lanzenkirchen/Linsberg

"It is particularly pleasing that the tried-and-tested soccer golf tournament at the Diamond Country Club in Atzenbrugg will not be held again in a year's time, but that companies keen to play and donate will be kicking balls around the Linsberg golf course in Lanzenkirchen together with Club Niederösterreich kickers on October 13, 2023," said a delighted Theres Friewald-Hofbauer, Managing Director of Club Niederösterreich, at the award ceremony. And ultimately this is not really surprising: apart from the fact that the fun factor is very high, all participants agreed on Friday: "Helping makes you happy.

The Club Niederösterreich was founded in 1980 as a non-partisan interest group for rural areas and sees itself as a platform and ideas exchange for information and discussion, as a voice for dialog between urban and rural areas, as a pioneer for cultural creation and as an initiator of social commitment. Since its foundation, one of the main concerns of the Club Niederösterreich has been to support people in difficult and distressing life situations. The primary "source" of the club's charitable work is its celebrity soccer team, which has been touring the country since 1983. A total of more than € 2,250,000 has been raised for social causes to date.

Queries: Club Niederösterreich, e-mail: info@clubnoe.at, phone: 02275 930 800, www.clubnoe.at

The tournament was supported by:
