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Granite bricks

The durable masonry block

Granite is one of the oldest natural stones and has been used for centuries as wall stone, for facades, house plinths and floor tiles indoors and outdoors due to its durability and naturalness. Granite is symbolic of hardness and resistance - Those who "bite on granite" find it impossible to overcome resistance. 

This resilience and hardness granite owes its special structure and the mixture of minerals that also characterize its pattern. Feldspar, quartz and mica make the granite robust, abrasion resistant and weatherproof. Whether for road construction, building construction or masonry - granite creates a beautiful look, durability and elegance in gardens and interiors.

If you use granite for your wall stones, you are laying them for eternity. If you are interested in using the unique and sustainable natural granite as a masonry stone, we will be happy to advise you in a free initial consultation.

Robust, durable and frost-resistant - granite bricks

The special natural stone granite is suitable for many indoor and outdoor projects - especially for new wall stones on a property. But what properties make granite the right choice for your bricks?

High stability

Due to the special structure of the natural stone, granite offers a high level of stability. The hardness of granite is unique - tiles, bricks or driveways, i.e. all areas that are frequently subjected to wear and tear, are best built with granite.


On the Mohs scale, granite has a value of 6-8, which makes it the hardest stone in our range. Above all, this hardness promises longevity - with the right care, you are well advised with your new granite bricks.

Weather resistance

The particularly high degree of hardness is also reflected in its weather resistance and heat resistance. With the right care, the masonry block is immune to environmental influences of all kinds.

Easy to clean

Maintenance is also simple and can be easily integrated into everyday life. The natural stone only needs to be washed with water - a basic cleaner is sufficient for heavier soiling. You should stay away from acidic products.


Not only is the grain of the stone very individual, the use of granite is also extremely versatile. Granite can be used as an elegant design element, but can also have a traditional and classic effect as tiles or bricks. 

The unique properties of granite as masonry stone

As a hard stone, granite is unique and particularly suitable for use in walls. The natural stone has been extracted from quarries for centuries. Granite was formed many millions of years ago deep in the earth's crust. This is why the popular granites are also called Deep rocks or after the Roman deity Pluton Plutonite

Why each individual stone is so different can best be explained by the way it is quarried and subsequently processed. The composition of the elements Feldspar, quartz and mica must be right in the stone in order to preserve the well-known and popular properties of granite. 

Although many granites are grey due to their natural mixture of minerals, there is a wide range of colors and patterns from very dark to almost white. Fine-grained patterns such as Schremser Feinkorn, larger crystals such as Herschenberger or large patterns such as Aalfanger from Austria are popular for walls and garden design. Classic granites such as Rosa Sardo, Rosa Beta and Bianco Sardo are just as popular as bluish granites or granites with salmon-colored crystals.

Due to their origin, granites are pure, particularly environmentally friendly and ecological  Natural products - natural quarrying and purity make granites anti-allergic brickswhich free from toxins are. These properties, as well as the resistance to bacteria, make the stones a hygienic choice for tiles and also for wall stones in the garden or indoors. 


As if that weren't enough positive characteristics to make granite the number 1 choice for your home, granite is also one of the most most durable and weatherproof solutions for your indoor and outdoor areas. Fats, oils, heat, water and snow - natural granite stone is immune to all of these. If scratches occur, they can be easily brushed off the tiles or bricks without compromising the appearance. 

If you wish, you can choose a processed granite or have it processed. This allows you to achieve anti-slip propertiescan change the structure of coarse- to fine-grained or make bricks even more stable.

Laying granite bricks easily

Once you have decided on granite wall stones and we have discussed all the details in an initial meeting, the next step is to lay the wall. We will show you how to do this here in a short step-by-step guide:

Step 1

First, we excavate a foundation for your granite wall. Depending on the project, we use wooden formwork for this. Before the foundation pit is filled with concrete, we place a drainage layer and reinforcement in the foundation pit so that water can drain away. Once the foundation has hardened, we seal it to prevent rising damp.

Step 2

Now we can start laying your new granite bricks. To do this, we apply mortar and place the bricks on the foundation one by one with great precision. The next row is then laid in an offset pattern - this gives the wall its high stability.

Step 3

The last step is to clean and finish the wall. We clean the joints and remove excess mortar. Now your new wall with granite bricks is finished!

Discover the diversity of granite!

Whether tiles, paving stones or steps - various elements can be perfectly created with granite natural stone. Every natural stone is unique - if the impressive granite doesn't appeal to you, we also offer sandstone or travertine as wall stone in our range.
