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Particularly beautiful gravestones


Particularly beautiful gravestones to say goodbye

"Grief often doesn't come from where you expect it to."

Designing a grave and choosing a headstone are often important steps in the grieving process. They help a little to get over the loss.

With a particularly beautiful headstone, you can pay your last respects to your loved one and find a place where you can mourn. With such a gravestone, you create a memento of this person - the gravestone is therefore a symbol of remembrance.

Here we show you an example of one of the gravestones we have designed in natural stone:

Stone from a family grave

Shown here with the entire grave, the planting & Co.

This stone has an unusual shape when viewed from the side.

Personalized writing on the stone.

The gravestone with cross, inscription & planting.

Here you can see us setting up the gravestone.

Would you like to buy a gravestone or seek advice?

Then we are here for you - because we know that choosing a headstone is not always easy. We are happy to support you throughout the entire process, from selection to installation. Simply contact Contact us to us!

Type of grave & the respective design options

As a first step, it is important to know what type of grave you want: Is it a single grave or a double grave? Or is it an urn grave?

This determines how the gravestone ultimately looks or can be designed:

Single gravestone

For a row or elective grave, stone lying or standing, but grave steles are also possible.

Double gravestone

Also called a family tomb, for several people, here you need a larger stone, as it must provide enough space for the inscriptions.

Urn tomb

Smaller grave site, therefore also a smaller stone. A square stone is also possible.

Children's gravestone

Usually smaller than single gravestones, also lying or standing.

Single gravestone

For a row or elective grave, stone lying or standing, but grave steles are also possible.

Children's gravestone

Usually smaller than single gravestones, also lying or standing.

Urn tomb

Smaller grave site, therefore also a smaller stone. A square stone is also possible.

Double gravestone

Also called a family tomb, for several people, here you need a larger stone, as it must provide enough space for the inscriptions.

The material: natural stone for the gravestone

The question of the material and the surface finish is not just about how the gravestone should look. Instead, both also influence the Care intensity of the stone.

For example, there are types of stone that are easy to work with - which also makes intricate shapes possible. Other stones, on the other hand, are more difficult to work with due to their hardness, but are also easier to maintain. 

We would now like to introduce you to some of the gravestone materials:

Granite gravestone

Granite is a hard stone and has long been the most popular natural stone when it comes to gravestones. It is usually available in muted colors, in grey, black and red.



A granite headstone is therefore kept rather plain, the design is simple and the edges are clear.

Scorpion Black
Bianco Carrara

Marble gravestones

With Marble we all associate with noble design and luxury. As a natural stone classic, this stone is also often used for gravestones.

It is a soft stone that can be worked very well.



This stone is available in white and other beautiful light colors, and it also impresses with its beautiful marbling.

Bianco Carrara

Sandstone tombstone

With Sandstone is a soft stone, just like marble. Here, too, all doors are open to you when it comes to processing.



The gravestones range in color from yellow to beige, so warm colors predominate.

Crema Marfil

Limestone gravestones

The natural stone Limestone is considered a true all-rounder, but is rather unknown to most people. It is a soft stone.



Limestone headstones can range from modern to classic, as they are available in many designs and bright colors.

Crema Marfil
Are you looking for a gravestone made of marble, sandstone, granite, limestone or another natural stone?

Take Contact us to our stonemasonry business - we will be happy to advise you!

Design options for particularly beautiful gravestones

A gravestone can be individualized, the design options are vast. This ranges from the material and shape of the headstone to images, inscriptions/texts and symbols.

And the trend is also moving in this direction: more and more gravestones are to have a Have a connection to the deceasedtell its story or express its character.

However, you should first familiarize yourself with the Inform cemetery statutesas the design of the gravestones (grave design) is often prescribed here. 

This involves options in terms of material, shape or color of the gravestone.

A beautiful headstone not only helps with the grieving process, it is also a beautiful gesture towards the deceased. So here are a few more ideas for the design:

Gravestone with angel

Angels can be seen in every cemetery. They often represent the messenger between this world and the hereafter. Angels appear on gravestones as figures, but sometimes they are also engraved or worked into the stone.

Gravestone with a heart

This is the best-known symbol of love and one of the most popular motifs for gravestones. It can be placed as a "figure" (cushion stone) on the gravestone.or incorporated as an ornament.

Gravestone with book

This is also either incorporated or placed on the gravestone as a book of life. Also for book loversThis motif naturally lends itself to grave design.

Gravestones with lines

Usually smaller than single gravestones, also lying or standing.

Gravestone with cross

A cross is also part of the cemetery and many a gravestone. It symbolizes the hope of life after death.


These can also be designed in different ways. They are either engraved into the stone, highlighted in color or attached to the stone as letters (usually bronze). It can be a saying, a quote, well-known gravestone sayings or individual farewell greetings.

Children's gravestone

The design of such a gravestone is usually very special, as particularly beautiful and personal motifs are chosen (e.g. those that symbolize the child's hobbies or childlike motifs such as teddy bears).

Gravestone with angel

Angels can be seen in every cemetery. They often represent the messenger between this world and the hereafter. Angels appear on gravestones as figures, but sometimes they are also engraved or worked into the stone.

Gravestone with a heart

This is the best-known symbol of love and one of the most popular motifs for gravestones. It can be placed as a "figure" (cushion stone) on the gravestone.or incorporated as an ornament.

Gravestone with cross

A cross is also part of the cemetery and many a gravestone. It symbolizes the hope of life after death.

Children's gravestone

The design of such a gravestone is usually very special, as particularly beautiful and personal motifs are chosen (e.g. those that symbolize the child's hobbies or childlike motifs such as teddy bears).

Gravestone with book

This is also either incorporated or placed on the gravestone as a book of life. Also for book loversThis motif naturally lends itself to grave design.

Gravestones with lines

These look particularly modern and simple. They are often combined with an eye-catching element, such as the gravestone finish.


These can also be designed in different ways. They are either engraved into the stone, highlighted in color or attached to the stone as letters (usually bronze). It can be a saying, a quote, well-known gravestone sayings or individual farewell greetings.

Enhancing the gravestone

You can also have a gravestone enhanced. But what's behind it?

This involves the design of gravestones with additional elements, such as:

Hence our tip: Don't just take the first gravestone that comes along, but think about a personalized design for individual, family or urn gravestones. In this way, you can create a particularly beautiful gesture with a particularly beautiful headstone.

Do you want a gravestone with an angel, cross, heart or glass decoration?

Take Contact us to our stonemasonry business - together we will find the appropriately designed gravestone!

Particularly beautiful gravestones - how much do they cost?

The question of how much a gravestone can cost is difficult to answer, as Many factors taken into account have to be made: 

What type of grave is it? This determines the required size of the headstone. What material will be used? And how elaborately should it be crafted by a designer?

You can get a small, simple headstone made from a less expensive material for a low four-figure price. A large, high-quality headstone for a family grave that is elaborately crafted, on the other hand, can run into the low to mid five-figure range.

A reclining slab is also usually somewhat cheaper than a standing gravestone.

Costs for the inscription

With a stonemason, the inscription of the gravestone is usually included up to a certain number of characters. After that, a fee is often charged per letter/character.

How high the actual price is also depends on the material, among other things.

The complete price for the gravestone

The final total price is therefore made up of many elements:

There are also costs for transportation, installation and approval. However, these are often already included in the price of the headstone.

Cheap gravestones from Asia, which are then only engraved in Austria or Germany, are usually cheaper than beautifully crafted and designed natural stones from a stonemason in Austria.

We take care of the construction of the gravestones

As your stonemason, we not only design gravestones according to your wishes, but also take care of delivery to the cemetery and installation. 

Here you can see us at work:

Before delivery to the cemetery, the gravestone can also be impregnated as required - this protects it from moisture and dirt.

FAQs on particularly beautiful gravestones

Is there anything that should not be on a gravestone?

There are no legal regulations in Austria regarding the inscription on a gravestone or the design of a gravestone

This tends to be regulated by the cemetery: So check the cemetery regulations before visiting the stonemason. The following things are often prescribed:

  • Data must be visible on the gravestone
  • They must match the data on the death certificate
  • There may also be specifications for the grave design

Isn't every gravestone made individually?

No, not all gravestones are handcrafted and individually made. It always depends on the provider: Only a stonemason who designs and manufactures gravestones himself produces unique pieces.

This is why only they are referred to as "designers" or "craftsmen". 

Other providers are "dealers". They also take care of things like engraving, but they don't produce the actual gravestone themselves, but get it from suppliers. The headstone does not necessarily have to be of inferior quality, it is just not unique - but can often be found in cemeteries in Germany, Austria and worldwide.

What is the difference in design between a single grave and an urn grave?

In almost every cemetery in Austria and Germany you can find both: the single grave and the urn grave. The urn grave is generally smaller, so the tomb is also smaller. 

This means that you are more restricted, especially when it comes to the inscription, as you have less space on the headstone.

What is the total price for gravestones?

The following factors are included in the total price:

  • Type of grave (single, family, urn grave)
  • Size of the gravestone
  • Gravestone material
  • Effort in the design (manual)
  • Material & length of the inscription
  • Costs for transportation, assembly and approval
  • Reclining slab or standing memorial

Especially beautiful gravestones - we are your strong shoulder in the moment of mourning

In our work as stonemasons and gravestone designers, we focus on:


We focus on the highest quality in our work.

High-quality natural stone

Limestone, granite, sandstone, marble etc.

Customer proximity

We are there for you personally.


Gravestone with cross, heart, engraving or glass elements? It's possible!


Gravestones made by the designer.

Top advice

Single, family, urn graves, design etc. - we will answer your questions.

Because every person is unique and so should be their memory - through unique and particularly beautiful gravestones.

Opening hours: Mon to Fri: 8:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00 | Saturday: 8:00 to 12:00

Contact us by phone or fill out our form for a consultation appointment!

We advise you in German and English.